Image Gallery - Tiles

User level: Site Owner; Site Administrator; Site Editor; Site Author

The Image gallery - Tiles widget allows you to display a gallery of square thumbnail images, which can be clicked on to open larger versions of the images in a lightbox.

[1] It is optional to add a title to provide extra context for the purpose of the gallery.

[2] There is a known issue with uploading files using the media browser (the collapsed cookie control banner obscures the Save button). We advise files are added to Manage Content first and uploaded to the widget from the Media Library.

You add images from the media browser by clicking Browse. It is possible to upload multiple images by selecting them in your site library.

Ideally all uploaded images will be between 120x120 and 1920x1280 pixels (width x height). Further information is available in the documentation about ideal image dimensions 

Examples of layouts are provided in the Mosaic Pattern Book